Challenge Accepted: Show us your shelves

“There is no friend as loyal as a book.” – Ernest Hemingway

Oh, Ernest. You were a feisty son of a gun, but you said some mighty things.

So, my rad blogger pal Letizia over at Reading Interrupted posted something super fun last week, a “Show us your shelves” challenge that’s been traipsing around the blogosphere.

I just couldn’t resist unveiling my dusty ass shelves.

Like many of you, most of my current reading is of the ebook variety. Obviously that would be the most anticlimactic picture ever.

Hey, look at my Kindle bookshelf screen, everyone! (And, cue crickets.)

Please excuse the insanely crooked pics. When you live in a shoebox apartment, you literally squeeze your belongings into every nook and cranny. Taking straight pictures when the corner of your desk is jamming you in the arse is impossible.

OK, Britt. Enough with the disclaimers already.


Travel Books

Bookshelf again

BookshelfThese classics are so cool, they always accessorize…

Classics with sunglasses

You might be wondering if that is a giraffe’s butt in front of the Hitler biography…

Bookshelf Ken FollettIndeed, it is a giraffe’s butt.

Meet Henri, our guardian of the ratty books and keeper of the giant headphones. Originally from France, Henri enjoys reading Ken Follett books, practicing Yoga, and listening to excellent tunes.

Giraffe and books

You didn’t think there would be a book shot without a cat around here, did you?


Cat with Yoga Books

Alrighty, folks. It’s your turn. Let’s see those dusty ass shelves!

20 thoughts on “Challenge Accepted: Show us your shelves

  1. I see A Wrinkle in Time and Little Women in there! I’m such a fan of those two. =D
    I will be sure to post mine later today. 😉

  2. Whenever I walk into a person’s home and spy a bookshelf, I immediately wander over to it. It makes my heart race a little bit. Seriously. There is nothing as calming, soothing, comforting, and mesmerizing as a collection of books. My home is full of them and they give me immense happiness.

  3. I love this line: “These classics are so cool, they always accessorize…” !!! Great books, Britt! Thanks for letting us peer into your world. I love a good biography too (I see you have Angelina Jolie’s UN diary.. at least I think that’s what it is… I have it too – a surprisingly interesting, thoughtful read. Not sure why that would be surprising but I suppose I was a bit blase due to the Hollywood thing).

    So happy to see one of your cats there (and with the yoga books of course!). And Henri is darling as well 🙂

    1. LOL! Well, they are quite cool.

      This was fun, but it was a bit unnerving showing off my shelves. Talk about putting yourself out there!

      Yes, that is Angelina Jolie’s UN diary. I love her like crazy. Such an amazing example of a celebrity using her powers for good.

      Per your request, Hazel the cat made an appearance. And, I just knew you and Henri would hit it off. : )

      1. It’s so weird how showing our books feels so revealing! I guess it’s just because we love reading so much? Once it was done I felt fine, it was the buildup that was inexplicably nerve racking! How silly 🙂

  4. Oh, the cat lounging on yoga books brings it all together. My son would be so jealous. He would love it if we could accessorize our bookshelves with a meow or two. I love the juxtaposition of Marie Antoinette and Hitler. And it looks like you have a lovely edition of The Secret Garden. Thanks for giving your nosy neighbors a peek!

  5. Always love seeing peoples’ bookshelves! It’s like a tiny window into their soul. We don’t even own a bookshelf at present, but my book of the moment is yours, “Everything’s Not Bigger” 🙂 Yes, still hahaha If I only read a few pages at a time, then it will last until your next novel 🙂 Yesterday we got to Prague 🙂

    1. I know, right?! It’s totally neat. It’s so awesome that you’re reading my little book as you trot the globe. I’m so excited you’re on the Prague section. That’s my fave.

      Safe travels, love!

  6. Hi Britt, what a great looking blog! I look forward to exploring it. thanks for visiting and following vsvevg, here’s a link to what’s on my shelf these days, and why…
    paz, Abby

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